abcde Flash is a queer, sexploratory, conceptual artist who shares her processes of navigating different sexual curiosities and challenges through film and imagery using humour, vulnerability and authenticity.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abcde_flash/
Films on Pinklabel.tv: https://pinklabel.tv/on-demand/studio/abcde-flash/
When did you start to work with explicit / pornographic material?
February 2019 is when my first film ‘Walking A Fine Line’ was shot
What was/is you motivation to work with explicit / pornographic material?
I see it as a way to express myself; to challenge and confront myself with mental barriers that I rationally know stem from how I was socialized and to overcome these irrational hang-ups. It is also a way to live out my exhibitionist side and it is just really a lot of fun to explore the body in different ways and to share these discoveries with others.
What is the difference between mainstream-pornography and post-porn?
I think, if we talk about these two categories, I would differentiate them by saying that in post-porn there is focus on pleasure, whichever shape or form that may be, without the ‘highlight’ or ending having to be an orgasm/ejaculation of bodily fluids. Consent is more evident. More likely that safer sex practises are used, like gloves/dental dams and incorporated in a super hot way. There is more diversity represented with less likelihood of fetishisation .
What are the topics or stories you want to tell?
I have only made 7 films to date, with one still in post-production and another premiering this fall. I produce and perform in all my films, and the topics are ones which I am busy with myself and want to explore further, whether that be for some sort of desensitization therapy, curiosity or a new way of presenting an old trope. I also like working with limits, extremes and shock-value.
What are you ethical standards in your films?
After the first edit, the film is shared with all performers, who can let me know if there are any scenes they want to be cut-out, no reason needs to be given. I try to show the consent within the film, since I do not work with scripts, my films are often interrupted with the dialogue that is taking place on set anyway.
What are you ethical standards in your production / on set?
Performers decide which scences they want to do, this can obviously be different to what was previously discussed and what actually happens the day of the shoot. So flexibility is important, whatever happens happens and something great can always be made with what is shot. Performers can withdraw consent/end a scene whenever they want. Prior to the shoot, there is a debrief and check-in with everyone on how they are feeling that day, any soft/hard limits etc. There is also a chat group, so afer the shoot, there is also check-ins.
How do you finance / fund your projects?
I finance them out of my own pocket. I have a full-time job and have used my savings to produce my projects, I try my best to pay everyone as fairly as possible. I have spent around 30,000CHF in the past five years, this also includes submission fees for film festivals. I have only in the last two years started advocating for myself and asking for screening fees from festivals, as I have felt that I have established myself as a filmmaker in the porn scene. Sometimes I also receive money for panel discussions. Since last year, all of my films are also available on the queer porn streaming site PinkLabelTV, but this does not generate much income. I feel like I have been on the edge of a burnout for some years now, since my filmmaking projects and all that comes with it, does take a lot of time and effort and I have run out of savings. In the future, I will have to produce less films and work a bit differently, especially since of this month I will start working 80% in the hope to avoid a full burnout.
How do you colaborate / network with other filmmakers or performers?
I tend to be the one to reach out to people to ask for a collaboration. I have attended quite a few film festivals over the years and have met many filmmakers/performers, but find networking/group settings socially very challenging. Since I am not a night person and I do not party/drink, I never go to the porn parties etc.
Which role play (post)-Pornfilmfestivals for your work?
They are a great place to show my work and see how an audience reacts to a film. I do like attending film festivals, getting feedback/input/questions about my films can be a growth experiment and give new impulses. Additionally, I like seeing what new films colleauges have come up with. I would also say that my films are quite niche, even within the post-pornfilmfestival world.
How does the internet affect your work?
Since I don’t expect to make much revenue from my films, I would say the internet does not have a big effect on my work. I don’t have my own website (although I am thinking of changing that), I just have a page on someone else’s website. I do have an Instagram account, but it is set to private and I am very vigilant on who gets access, so I do not accept a lot of requests. I tend to check what other accounts they follow or who follows them. I am thinking of revamping my Instagram though, to only show the film posters and then making it public, but am hesitant. Due to the fact that I have a full-time job in a conservative industry, I am careful not to mix the two worlds too much.
Do you share your works on plattforms like Onlyfans, Fansly or Pinklabel or even Pornhub?
All of my films, except ‘Grace.’ because it shows blood, can be found on PinkLabelTV. ‘Grace.’ can be found on HUMP!
In the time you work in this field: what where the biggest changes?
A lot more festivals have popped up, there is more DIY porn, the audience has become more diverse and woke.
How open do you communicate about your work with your friends and family?
I am either all open or all closed. So family and friends do know about my work. Some don’t know what to do with it and kind of ignore it, others are interested and also want to see the films and celebrate milestones with me. Also at my job, some colleagues I openly talk with know, but then I do not share my artist name with them, they just know I make pornographic films that are shown at film festivals and that I have been quite successful with it.